Should you choose a top-hung or bottom-rolling sliding door?

Liuguksed Komandor

Once you have found a suitable sliding door, you will need to decide whether it should be top-hung or bottom-rolling. In this article, we go over some tips on what to base that decision on.

Sliding doors can be categorised based on the mounting system as either top-hung (suspended) or bottom-rolling (additional guide rails on the floor). Usually, sliding doors move between top and bottom rails fitted with rollers which are hidden from sight, and so the average user often has no clue how exactly the system works.

If the ceiling is strong enough to support the weight, specialists prefer to mount sliding doors solely to the ceiling. The wall or ceiling is fitted with a guide rail which houses small carriage-like mechanisms and the door is suspended from the latter. This leaves the floor below clear. To prevent lateral movement, a special stay is used at the bottom.

This is the most common sliding door system, and with single panel doors it works perfectly. The door opens and closes with the help of a guide pin at the bottom of the door, and there is no need to install separate guide rails on or cut grooves into the floor. However, in the case of doors with two or more panels that need to move parallel to the wall by more than the width of the panel, there are some complications. In this case, there needs to be a guide groove or skirting on the floor, and the lower end of the door must be fitted with small wheels that move along the guide channels. This, in itself, is not really a problem, except dirt and debris tend to collect in the grooves over time, which makes maintenance more of a hassle. Thus, the grooves need to be cleaned from time to time to keep the door moving freely.

Where ceiling-mounting is not possible an additional guide rail is installed on the floor. Sliding doors that run on the floor are easier to use, and if you are not bothered by the floor guide rail or groove, this type of system is an excellent choice. The doors are fixed to both the floor and the ceiling, in the top and bottom rails, and glide easily and effortlessly.

The bottom rails of sliding doors can only be installed in straight and level apertures in parquet or concrete floors.

The top-hung sliding door mechanism can be concealed or open, installed in a separate aperture or made with a system of glass partition walls. The only limitation is the need for free space equal to the width of the door leaf next to the doorway.

Wall-hung sliding doors are also easy to use in renovation projects, if you wish to swap your old hinged doors for an attractive sliding system. Klaasmerk’s selection of sliding doors can be found here.

Wall-hung sliding doors are also a beautiful design element in any bathroom.

If your home is still in the design stage, you might wish to consider a pocket (in-wall) sliding door. In addition to saving valuable floor space, a pocket sliding door will also leave your walls completely free. Pocket sliding doors can also be equipped with locks. This greatly extends their applications. Pocket sliding doors can be used as bedroom or bathroom doors or even as double sliding doors.

If you are looking for sliding doors, Klaasmerk is here to offer assistance and find the ideal solution tailored to your personal needs. Request a quote here.